Lead. Inspire. Change.


One day, all children in Kosova - regardless of their community or ethnicity – will have access to an education system which prepares them for lifelong success.

Our Mission

Teach For Kosova exists to increase educational access and quality in Kosova by enlisting our nation's most promising young leaders in this effort



Shpërndahen 12000 peceta higjienike në 5 shkolla publike në Kosovë

Shpërndahen 12000 peceta higjienike në 5 shkolla publike në Kosovë

Shpërndahen 12000 peceta higjienike në 5 shkolla publike në Kosovë … Teach For Kosova dhe QIKA, hapen kampanjën “Peceta nuk është luks” në pesë shkolla publike të vendit. Kjo…

2024 Cohort

2024 Cohort

We are very pleased to have successfully selected young individuals with diverse profiles, skills, and experiences to be part of the Fifth Cohort of Teach For Kosovo. During the…

Peticion për shpëtimin e arsimit

Peticion për shpëtimin e arsimit

Rezultatet e fundit të testit PISA për Kosovën kanë ngritur shqetësime të konsiderueshme në mesin e segmenteve të ndryshme të shoqërisë, përfshirë këtu edhe organizatat e…



Kosova's education system is not preparing students for an increasingly globalized world. Systemic issues, and inequity across lines of difference, are contributing to this challenge.

Only 29.6% of children aged 3-5 attend licensed pre-school institutions (OECD average: 84%)

On the 2018 PISA exam Kosova ranked 77th of the 79 education systems tested

In Kosova, 87.6% of students enter upper secondary education. In the Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities, that number is considerably less- 32.2%

In Kosova, 87.6% of students enter upper secondary education. In the Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities, that number is considerably less- 32.2%


Kosovar students' scores [on the 2018 PISA exam] are equivalent to 5 years of schooling behind the OECD average in reading, and a little over 4 years behind in math.



​There are many opportunities that exist within Kosova, the most significant being the country's youth. By cultivating a strong, interconnected leadership force of talented individuals, Teach For Kosova will work to dismantle inequity and the barriers that exist to ensure that our children can fulfill their potential.

Learn more

Strategic Partners


Teach For Kosova is working closely with the municipalities of Kosova and other local organizations to understand the challenges that exist within the education system. Together with our partners we hope to work with the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology to fulfill our mission of working towards educational equity for all children in Kosova.

  • NED
  • Municipality of Gjakova
  • Municipality of Mitrovica
  • Municipality of Malisheva
  • ATRC
  • ICK
  • Roma Versitas Kosovo
  • MoF
  • Coca-Cola HBc Kosovo
  • Municipality of Fushë Kosovë
  • Kosovo Foundation for Open Society
  • Haxhi Zeka University
  • University of Mitrovica "Isa Boletini"
  • Kosova Union for Education, Science, and Culture
  • Solidar Suisse Kosova
  • Community Development Fund
  • Danish Refugee Council
  • Municipality of Istog
  • Municipality of Deçan
  • Municipality of Peja
  • Municipality of Prishtina
  • Municipality of Obiliq
  • KCSF